
Student voices
How-to demos
00:00:00.000 –> 00:01:0.
<v Audio Descriptions>Screenshot of what the two-way dialogue chat box looks like. After submitting a report, a live analyst will ask for follow up questions.
00:00:04.000 –> 00:00:27.000
<v Audio Descriptions>Stick around so that you can answer the analysts’ questions. You can reply by typing in the box and selecting “Submit” once you have answered.
00:00:00.000 –> 00:01:0.
<v Audio Descriptions>Select the “Make a Report” tab from the Safe2Tell app home page.
00:00:03.000 –> 00:00:08.000
<v Audio Descriptions>Select the county then school name.
00:00:08.000 –> 00:00:09.000
<v Audio Descriptions>Select the event type.
00:00:11.000 –> 00:00:17.000
<v Audio Descriptions>Fill out necessary information such as “Information of Concern” and upload any optional attachments. Select the “Submit” button.
00:00:22.000 –> 00:00:32.000
<v Audio Descriptions>Stick around and wait for the live analyst to respond to your report or use the text box to add additional information and submit.
Student frequently asked questions
Am I tattling?
Ask yourself, “Is this about me or about someone else?” Tattling or snitching involves the intentional act of trying to get someone in trouble. Telling or reporting involves sharing your concern in order to help someone who is struggling, hurt or may harm themselves or others.
Please note this video mentions suicide.
What about snitching?
We believe a healthy community looks out for one another. Reporting to Safe2Tell is not snitching, it’s advocating. A “snitch” is someone who wants to hurt, bully, get revenge, or get someone in trouble. An advocate is someone who stands up and speaks out for others who may be struggling.

What is the difference between Safe2Tell and other resources?
Colorado Crisis Services
Safe2Tell provides the contact information for Colorado Crisis Services (CCS) with every report submission should you wish to talk to someone for counseling. You can reach CCS directly anytime at 844-493-TALK (8255), or text TALK to 38255. Learn more at
Safe2Tell vs 911
If you’re worried something bad might happen, use Safe2Tell. If the situation is an emergency, dial 911.
How can I make a difference?
Each school year during the spring, we encourage and invite rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors to apply to be a Safe2Tell student ambassador.
Our ambassadors help provide insight and feedback on the Safe2Tell program and make sure that our work stays youth-centered. This opportunity is offered through the Colorado Attorney General’s Office.