Make a Report



What is Safe2Tell?

Safe2Tell gives students, parents, and community members a safe, anonymous way to report any threats to their safety or the safety of someone else. Safe2Tell is a nationally recognized and replicated model for anonymous reporting.


How does Safe2Tell work?

Anyone who has information about a potentially dangerous situation can call the toll-free, state-wide number at 1-877-542-7233, make a web report by clicking the Make a Report button at the top and side of the page, by downloading the mobile app and making a report from a smartphone, or by texting S2TCO to 738477. A trained Safe2Tell analyst will then forward the information to local teams consisting of schools, law enforcement, mental health, and/or other partners. Local partners have full authority over report response and outcomes.


When can I make a report to Safe2Tell?

You can call us or make a web report any time, any day. Making a Safe2Tell report is always free.


What can I report to Safe2Tell?

You can report anything related to school and youth safety/mental health where your desire is to protect, prevent, or help. If it is not a Safe2Tell matter, we will refer you to the appropriate resource if needed.


How do I remain anonymous?

Your anonymity is protected by Colorado law (C.R.S. Section 24-31-601 et seq.). Safe2Tell will not ask for your identifying information. Safe2Tell will ask for information about the situation causing you concern. NOTE: Calls to our administrative line, emails, and social media posts are not protected under the Safe2Tell law and are not processed as anonymous reports.


What about extreme circumstances? Is the reporting party's identity protected then?

Our mission is to break the code of silence through reporter anonymity. By law, Safe2Tell is required to protect the anonymity of reporters unless it is determined that a false report has been made through Safe2Tell with the intent to hurt, harass, or bully someone else. Senate Bill 21-081 outlines such specific situations where either a court of law, or the Attorney General, may order the program to disclose such information. Instances of false reporting are rare and comprise approximately 2% of the reports received by Safe2Tell. Safe2Tell always welcome reports with the intent to prevent, protect or help made through the program.
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